Air Cargo Charter Services

Get reliable air charter services for your most time-critical needs

A leader in on-demand air charter

When time is critical, USA Jet’s on-demand air charter solutions are at your service, backed by Ascent Global Logistics. USA Jet is dedicated to providing swift, effective air cargo solutions, ensuring your urgent needs are met with precision and speed.

Our flightpath

USA Jet’s overview map of on-demand cargo opportunities radiating from our main base in Belleville, Michigan, shows the strategic links woven to form the essential time-critical services offered to support the backbone of automotive and manufacturing customers and their suppliers. We swiftly respond to your cargo needs, connecting crucial points across the U.S., Mexico and Canada with precision and flexibility.

Industries we serve





Life Sciences


Project Cargo


Proven performance for complicated supply chains


Supplier of the Year | 2022 – 2010


World Excellence Award | 2021 – 2007

ABF Supplier | Present – 2007


‘Achieving Excellence’ Partner | 2022 – 2015

JD CROP (Cost Reduction Opportunities Process) | 2022

Hall of Fame | 2019

Supplier of the Year | 2016

Supplier Innovation Award | 2015